Blogging Mommies
Blogging Mommies - a webring for moms that blog! Do you have a weblog? Join us.
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Blogging Mommies™ - FAQs

Below you'll find answers to some of the questions you may have regarding our webring.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

1.  What is a blog?
A blog is a weblog, an online journal.  You can write them manually or you can use some of the online tools available, which include Blogger, pMachine, Moveable Type and many others.

Blog of the month
The Pretty Princess, the diary of a 1st Grader.

A blog, short for "weblog, or web log" is an interactive online personal journal. Those who've been around since the beginning will argue that a weblog is simple a log of your web travels. Well, we say it's evolved a bit. Today a weblog is anything you want it to be. You can write about you, your children, politics, news, celebrities, anything you heart desires. You're the editor and you're in charge. It can be a personal diary. A weightloss journal.. maybe a photoblog that contains photos of your vacations, daily travels or your children.

Weblogs have taken the Internet to a whole new era. The best thing about a weblog is that it can be anything you want it to be. It's yours. In this high tech digital world you'll find everyone from college professors to movie stars to stay at home moms blogging about their daily lives, what's going on in the world today and what's important to them. Sounds cool, huh? Well the coolest part is that it is SO easy to do. Within 5 minutes you to can be blogging! I'm serious.

Wanted to get started today? I'd recommend using BlogSpot. It's free, it's easy and it's run by Blogger. Want to do it yourself? Check out this huge list of products and services you can use to self-publish your blog - from complete content management systems to simple blogging software.

2.  I've seen another blogging moms ring, what's up with that?
I'm not sure, but I can tell you this.. we're the original :) This ring began way back in March 2000.  Back in the early days of blogging, yes my friend I was blogging before blogging was cool. Heck, I remember when the site first went live!

3.  What do the symbols and stuff mean on the webring code?

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4.  Isn't this discrimination having only "moms" in a webring?  What if I'm a dad, not a mom?
You're more than welcome to join our webring, or you can start your own.  The choice is yours.  It's not about discrimination, it's about bringing together a group that share a common interest.

5.  How long will it take me to be added to the Blogging Mommies™ webring?
I will be adding sites about once every 10 days. As soon as I find that you've added the webring code to your site, you'll be added to the ring.  You'll receive a confirmation email from Ring Surf when your site is added.

6.  I signed up, but you didn't add me to the ring. What's up?
It could be many things.  Did you follow the rules when you signed up? Is your ring code up properly? Are you using graphics that don't belong to you? and if they're linkware, are you giving credit where credit is due? I'm a real stickler for the copyright issue, and direct linking to images is a big no-no in my book.  These are just a few reasons. Feel free to email me if you feel there is an error.

7.  I didn't get a confirmation or the ring code.
Do you use AOL? There seems to be an issue with AOL blocking email from RingSurf. After you register, you'll have to login to your account and get the html. Sorry for the inconvenience, we have no way of fixing it as it's out of our hands.

8.  What happened to my blog? It's not in the ring anymore.
Has it been updated in the last 30 days? Was it MIA due to a server change or a re-install? There could be many reasons for your site being removed. When we do a ring check, sites are visited by the RingSUrf robot that checks sites. If they come back as a 404, missing ring codes or errors are present, the site will be queued. If after 30 days it's not remedied, the site is deleted. Please note that if you are using AOL as the email you registered with we cannot even contact you to tell you there's a problem. Any email containg any ringsurf codes or info is blocked by AOL.

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NBC News featured Blogging Mommies
We were featured on NBC News!

Child Magazine - February 2004 - What's How Now: The Top Trends in Family Life Today (Page 28)
Our website is in the February issue of Child Magazine.

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